Theme Layouts

  • Home Page

  • Archive Page

  • Property Detail

  • Blog Page

  • Blog Post Page

  • Contact Page

Theme Features

  • Custom logo/favicon upload.
  • Custom font settings.
  • Hero slider on home page
  • Select featured properties for home page.
  • Blog/News page layouts included
  • Booking Form for each property
  • Archive page with various filters
  • 100% Responsive and Free

Theme Documentation


  1. Automatic - Download the theme by clicking here. Login to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New, click on "Add New" button at the top, browse the theme zip file which you downloaded. Upload and Activate the theme.
  2. Manual - Click here to download the theme. Unzip the file and upload the folder crispprop to /wp-content/themes/. Login to your admin dashboard, go to Appearance > Themes, find the theme name "crispprop", click on Activate.

Theme Settings

The theme settings are located under Appearance > Customize.


Site Identity

  1. Site Title - The name of your blog.
  2. Tagline - The tagline or short description about your blog.
  3. Site Icon - The name of your blog.

General Settings

  1. Logo - The logo of your blog.
  2. Logo Max Width - The maximum width of your logo.
  3. Favicon - Your favicon which would be displayed on the browser bar.
  4. Default Link Color - The color of the hyperlinks in your website.

Top Bar Settings

  1. Hide Top Bar - Enable/Disable the top bar.
  2. Background - The background color of the top bar.
  3. Font Color - Color of the texta and icons in the top bar
  4. Phone Number - The phone number displayed in the top bar.
  5. Email Address - Email Address which would display in the top bar. Contact form emails will be sent here as well.

Menu Color Settings

  1. Menu Color - The color of the menu items in the header.
  2. Menu Hover Color - The menu items hover color when your move the mouse over them.

Font Settings

  1. Site Font - Select the google font you want as the font of your blog.
  2. Site Font Size - The font size of the font you selected.
  3. Site Font Color - The color of the paragraph text of your blog.
  4. Site Font Style - Font style of the paragraph font.

Header Font Settings

  1. Heading Font - Select the google font you want as the font of your headings.
  2. Heading Font Color - The color of the headings.
  3. Heading Font Style - Font style of the headings.
  4. H1 Font Size - H1 tag font size.
  5. H2 Font Size - H2 tag font size.
  6. H3 Font Size - H3 tag font size.
  7. H4 Font Size - H4 tag font size.
  8. H5 Font Size - H5 tag font size.
  9. H6 Font Size - H6 tag font size.

Social Media Settings

  1. Facebook URL - Your facebook fan page link.
  2. Twitter URL - Twitter page link.
  3. Google+ URL - Google+ page link.
  4. Instragram URL - Your Instragram fan page link.
  5. Pinterest URL - Your Pinterest page link.
  6. YouTube URL - YouTube page link.

Home Page Settings

  1. Slider Images - The slider images for the hero slider on the home page.
  2. Banner Heading - Your SEO heading for the home page.
  3. Banner Intro - A short introduction about your business for SEO.

Contact Page Settings

  1. FAX - Your FAX number. If empty, will not be displayed.
  2. Address - Your business address. If empty, will not be displayed. The map will also be based on this address.
  3. Hide Map - Enable/Disable the map below the contact form.

Footer Settings

  1. Footer Background - Background color of the footer area
  2. Footer Font Color - The color of the text and links in the footer area.
  3. Footer Logo - The footer logo, Ideal dimensions are 150px x 40px
  4. Logo Max Width - The maximum width of the footer logo you uploaded above.
  5. Footer Intro - A short SEO text about your website/store.

Additional CSS

Any Custom CSS that you want to add to your website that is not available in the theme options.