Plugin Documentation

Crisp Gallery Plugin Documentation


  1. Automatic - Download the plugin file by clicking here. Login to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Plugins > Add New, click on "Upload Plugin" at the top, browse the plugin zip file which you downloaded. Upload and Activate the plugin.
  2. Manual - Click here to download the plugin. Unzip the file and upload the folder crispgallery to /wp-content/plugins/. Login to your admin dashboard, go to Plugins, find the plugin name "Crisp Gallery", click on Activate.

Plugin Settings

  1. Gallery Columns - Choose the number of columns the grid should be divided into. Minimum is 2 while the maximum is 6.
  2. Display Type - Square or Rectangle image display.
  3. Show Border - Creates a border around the images.
  4. Border Color - Set the color of the border around the images.
  5. Caption Font - Set the font family of the captions.
  6. Caption Font Size - The font size of the captions.
  7. Caption Font Size - Set the font weight of the captions. Light, normal or bold.
  8. Caption Font Size - The caption can be displaying in Italics as well.
  9. Caption Font Size - Set the color of the captions.

Plugin Demo

Basic 4 Column Gallery

[crispgallery id="597"]


Basic 3 Column Rectangle Gallery

[crispgallery id="607"]


Basic 3 Column Grid with Captions

[crispgallery id="599"]


Grid with Custom Font Styling

[crispgallery id="601"]